Category: Reviews

  • Review: The Tiger King – Is it just me, or is Carole Baskin the villain?

    Review: The Tiger King – Is it just me, or is Carole Baskin the villain?

    (Spoilers) It has been the Netflix documentary to help us get through life in isolation: the bizarre look into the world of the exotic animal industry in the United States. To say that the individuals involved in this industry are eccentric would be an understatement. The documentary has everything from colourful characters, cute tiger cubs,…

  • 2017 – The Year in Review

    2017 – The Year in Review

    If 2016 was the year of the underdog, 2017 will be remembered as the year of resistance. On January 20th, Donald Trump became the 45th President of the United States. One day later, the Women’s March on Washington was the largest single-day protest in U.S history, with millions also participating across the U.S and around…

  • 2016 – the year in review

    2016 – the year in review

    The internet consensus appears to be that few people will miss 2016. A string of celebrity deaths, continued devastation in Syria, a global increase in desperate refugees, confronting terror attacks, Brexit, Trump. There were moments when it was like a puke soaked carnival ride spiraling out of control, and many cannot wait for the ride…

  • 2015: The Year In Review

    2015: The Year In Review

    Well, we didn’t quite have hover boards and flying cars, but 2015 was still quite the year. Regrettably, it will be recalled with a dim reminiscence, in a year when we were asked to mourn more often than we’d like to. One city in particular will resonate in future years when 2015 is looked upon.…

  • 2014: the year in review

    2014: the year in review

    As is tradition, on New Years Eve it is time to kick back and reflect on the best and the worst of the year that was 2014. And of course, take a sneak peak at the 2015 news headlines to come. Best film: The Water Diviner Late on the scene (Boxing Day) but a worthy and…